Wednesday 21 June 2017

Using Data Validation to prevent users entering trailing spaces

A question came up from an attendee on a recent Working With Data In Excel live e-learning course, which is a common request. Today's blog post will explain how to prevent users from inserting preceding or trailing spaces into a cell.

Why is this a problem
Imagine you have a column of data, containing the values "Red", "Green" and "Blue", which a user has entered manually. Except the user has entered some extra spaces after some of the values so that your column of data (column A) looks like this:


I then create a formula to count the number of cells containing the value "Green", like so:


How many will there be? It will tell me there are 2. Why? Because "Green[space]" is not the same as "Green" in Excel.

So as you can see, it becomes important to prevent users adding extra spaces after their data.

How do we stop them?

We can prevent leading or trailing spaces using Custom Data Validation. Here are the steps to work through...
  1. Select the column you want to protect.
  2. Click on "Data Validation" on the Data tab.
  3. In the dialogue that pops up, choose "Custom".
  4. Enter the following formula into the box, replacing the references to "A1" with the first cell in your range: =TRIM(A1)=A1
Then play with it!

A caution...
Unfortunately, Data Validation in Excel doesn't prevent people pasting incorrect values into the cell - only typing manually. There are 2 work-arounds for this, which we'll look at in future blog posts:
  1. Prevent people pasting anything into the sheet using a Macro, or
  2. Set up Conditional Formatting to show if cells have trailing spaces which have been pasted in.
Keep an eye on the blog for these other 2 parts, or why not sign up for our free e-tips on our website and get them straight to your inbox?

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